Support - CalDigit Online Troubleshooting Knowledge Base
First Published: 12/23/2008 Last Modified: 12/23/2008 Last Modified by: LL
Article ID:12
Controller shows "Disconnected" in RAIDShield
Products Affected:
HDPro & HDPro2, HDOne, CalDigit RAID Card, HDElement

If the RAID array presents and can mount on the desktop or your OS, while the controller shows disconnected in RAIDShield, please remove the controller and re-scan it from RAIDShield.

This may happen if your host machine obtain dynamic IP address from DHCP server. RAIDShield keeps the setting and IP address from the last scan, hence if your computer has new IP address, and you want to use RAIDShield to monitor or config your RAID, you need to remove and re-scan controller in RAIDShield.
Keywords : RAIDShield, RAID Shield, Controller Disconnected