Support - CalDigit Online Troubleshooting Knowledge Base
First Published: 1/27/2009 Last Modified: 1/27/2009 Last Modified by: LL
Article ID:23
Products Affected:
HDPro & HDPro2, HDOne, CalDigit RAID Card, HDElement
Due to the enhanced Windows VistaŽ (Windows 2003 ServerŽ later version) security level, the CalDigit RAIDShield server will not be allowed to run as startup item. As result, the RAIDShield server cannot properly locate the RAID controller.

To solve this problem, please perform the following processes:
1. Shut down the RAIDShield server via Task manager. (You can also remove RAIDShield from startup program list)

2. Manually re-launch the RAIDShield server as administrator. (Location: Program files>CalDigit>RAID Shield>Server)

3. The controller will now be properly located, and it will be recognize by the RAIDShield Client.
Keywords : Vista, RAIDCard not Found, RAIDShield Server, Error, message