Support - CalDigit Online Troubleshooting Knowledge Base
First Published: 8/19/2009 Last Modified: 8/19/2009 Last Modified by: LL
Article ID:49
Where can I find information about my Mac system and crash report?
This article is talking about how to retrieve log files and system profiles from FINDER.
Products Affected:
HDPro & HDPro2, HDOne, CalDigit RAID Card, HDElement, CalDigit VR & mini, FireWire VR, S2VR HD, S2VR Duo, FASTA-4e, FASTA-4x, FASTA-2e, FASTA-1ex
In some circumstance we need more detailed information in order to diagnosis your system. Please retrieve some log files from the following directories:
/var/log/ /Library/Logs/ and User's folder /Library/Logs/
To retrieve /var/log files, please go to Finder, click on Go Menu and choose "Go to Folder..."

Type in "/var/log" in the input text box, then click on "GO" botton.

You will be brought to the log folder where contains a lot of history log files. Please copy the highlight ones as shown below and paste them to a temporary folder. They are: fsck_hfs.log hdiejected.log install.log and all install.log.X.XXX system.log and all system.log.X.XXX windowserver_last.log windowserver.log

Go back to your desktop and select your current OS drive, navigate to Library / Logs folder and copy the entire logs folder to a temporary folder.

Go back to your desktop and select your current OS drive, navigate to Users folder and choose the current user and navigate to Library / Logs folder, again copy the entire logs folder to a temporary folder.

To retrieve System Profile, click on Apple logo on the Finder Menu, Choose "About This Mac" then click on "More Info", System Profiler will be launched. Click on "File" Menu and choose "Save As" to save the entire system profile to an XML or RTF file to the the above temporary folder.

Archive / Zip the entire temp folder and email to:
If you have our HDPro, HDOne, CalDigit RAID Card, HDElement, you will need to submit your RAIDShield log as well. See the following for more information. Where is the RAIDShield event log?
Additional Information:
Where is the RAIDShield event log?
Keywords : System Log, Crash Log, Kernel Panic Log, System Profiles